

General Knowledge

  • Anemometer for Speed-direction of wind.
  • Barometer for Atmospheric pressure.
  • Hydrometer for specific gravity of liquid.
  • Hygrometer for Relative humidity of atmosphere. 
  • 1 Manometer  = 10-9 meter
  • 1 meter  = 100 centimeter  
  • 1 cm = 10 mm
  • Periscope Color of light emitted.
  • Pyrometer high temperature 
  • Seismograph for detecting and measuring the intensity and direction and duration of movements of the earthquake.
  • Roentgen discovered X-ray 
  • Bacquerel discovered radioactivity 
  • Biosensor measure Blood glucose level.
  • RBG are primary colors
  • Digestion of food in small intestine 
  • Rectifier convert alternative current into direct current.
  • Battery convert chemical energy into electrical energy.
  • Mitochondria Power house of cell. 
  • Unit Weber to measure magnetic flux.
  • Cardiograph measure movements of the heart.
  • 75% water covers earth's surface 
  • Volta invented Battery.
  • Process of Science Observation > Hypothesis > Experiments. 
  • Bronze is an alloy of Copper,  Tin
  • James Chadwick discovered Neutrons 
  • Rutherford discovered Nucleus 
  • J. J Thomson discovered Electrons 
  • FW Auston invented Mass spectrograph.
  • Stratosphere in it Ozone layer.
  • Mesosphere The atmospheric layer between the stratosphere and the thermosphere.
  • Stratosphere The atmospheric layer between the troposphere and the mesosphere.
  • Troposphere The lowest atmospheric layer; from 4 to 11 miles high (depending on latitude).
  • Thermosphere The atmospheric layer between the mesosphere and the exosphere.
  • Fulminology The science of lighting. 
  • Hygrometer measure humidity 
  • Manometer measure gas pressure.
  • Radio waves has the longest wavelength.
  • Calcium carbonate chemical name chalk.
  • Ammeter measure electric current.
  • Loud speaker changes electrical energy into sound energy.
  • Echo The reflection of sound 
  • Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction 
  • Paleontology study of fossils 
  • Homo sapiens scientific name of human 
  • Pasteur developed Vaccine for rabies.
  • The normal pH of Human blood 7.4

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